06/12/21 - TO FIX: push/debug ePSproc updates, currently throwing loading errors on Jake
Analysis routines
06/12/21 v2 with updated param analysis and tabulation routines.
14/11/21 v1 (still in development)
In this notebook some of the packaged analysis routines are demonstrated. For an earlier exploration of the basic/underlying analysis routines, see the previous fit fidelity & analysis notebook.
Load fit & analysis class and import data (currently a bit messy).
# Import & set paths
import pemtk
from pemtk.fit.fitClass import pemtkFit
from pathlib import Path
# Path for demo script
demoPath = Path(pemtk.__file__).parent.parent/Path('demos','fitting')
# Some additional default plot settings
# TODO: this is already run at class init, but out of notebook scope? Should fix.
from epsproc.plot import hvPlotters
*** ePSproc installation not found, setting for local copy.