Source code for

# IO functions for pemtk data
# For main matrix element routines etc. see ePSproc base class.
# 20/05/22  v1

# from datetime import datetime as dt
# import pickle

# Quick Pickle for all data in class.
# def pickleData(self, fName = None, outStem = ):
#     if fName is None:
#         timeString =
#         fOut = f'{outStem}_n{n}_{timeString.strftime("%d%m%y_%H-%M-%S")}.pickle'
#     with open(fOut, 'wb') as handle:
#         pickle.dump(, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

import pickle
from pathlib import Path

from datetime import datetime as dt

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from epsproc import multiDimXrToPD, writeXarray, getFiles

# dataPath = Path(r'/home/jovyan/work/pemtk_fitting_runs_April2022/ioTests')
# dataPath = Path(r'/home/jovyan/ioTestsLocal/data_dumps')  # FF Docker

# import os

[docs]def setTimeStampedFileName(self,outStem = None, n = None, ext = 'pickle', timeString = None, timeFormat = "%d%m%y_%H-%M-%S"): """ Set unique filename as f'{outStem}_n{n}_{timeString.strftime("%d%m%y_%H-%M-%S")}.{ext}' Parameters ---------- outStem : str, optional, default = None Stem for output file. If None, set to 'PEMtk_data_dump' n : int, optional, default = None Int index to include in file name. If None, this will be omitted. ext : str, optional, default = 'pickle' File ending. timeString : Datatime object, default = None Timestamp for the file. If None, current time will be used. timeFormat : Datatime format string, optional, default = "%d%m%y_%H-%M-%S" TODO: additional formatting options, data[key][item] naming option? """ if outStem is None: outStem = 'PEMtk_data_dump' if timeString is None: timeString = # Use n for multiple fit checkpointing - may want a more sophisticated routine for this however. if n is not None: fName = f'{outStem}_n{n}_{timeString.strftime(timeFormat)}' else: fName = f'{outStem}_{timeString.strftime(timeFormat)}' if ext is not None: fName = fName + f'.{ext}' return fName
[docs]def writeFitData(self, dataPath = None, fName = None, outStem = None, n=None, fType = 'pickle', ext = None, **kwargs): """ Dump fit data with various backends. """ if dataPath is None: # dataPath = os.getcwd() # OR dataPath = Path().absolute() if outStem is None: outStem = 'dataDump' if ext is None: ext = fType if fName is None: fName = self.setTimeStampedFileName(outStem = outStem, n = n, ext = ext) fOut = Path(dataPath,fName) if fType == 'pickle': # pickleData(self,fOut) # NOTE - here only include self for testing! sFlag = self._pickleData(fOut) elif fType == 'pdHDF': # _writePDData(self,fOut,**kwargs) # NOTE - here only include self for testing! sFlag = self._writePDData(fOut,**kwargs) # elif fType == 'nc': # 30/06/22: updated handling on ePSproc.IO.writeXarray, so assume this as default case. else: # _writeXRData(self,fOut,**kwargs) # NOTE - here only include self for testing! sFlag = self._writeXRData(fOut, engine=fType,**kwargs) if self.verbose['main']: if sFlag: print(f'Dumped data to {fOut} with {fType}.') else: print(f'Failed to write data to {fOut} with {fType}.') # Log file and return self.files['dataPaths'].append(dataPath) if sFlag: self.files['filesOut'].append(fOut) else: self.files['filesOutFailed'].append(fOut) return fOut
[docs]def processedToHDF5(self, dataKey = 'fits', dataTypes = ['dfLong','AFxr'], fType = 'pdHDF', outStem=None, multiFile = False, timeStamp = True, **kwargs): #fOut, dataKey = 'fits', dataType='dfLong'): # dataPath = None, fName = None, outStem = None): # Assume fOut handled by wrapper """ Save processed fit data to HDF5. Write['fits']['dfLong'] and['fits']['AFxr'] to file. Wraps self.writeFitData for processed data types. TODO: generalise to arb set of dataTypes and add checks. """ if outStem is None: outStem = '' else: outStem = outStem + '_' if dataKey not in print(f"*** Skipping data save,[{dataKey}] missing.") return 0 if 'dfLong' not in[dataKey].keys(): self.analyseFits() # Save dfLong #['fits']['dfLong'].to_ # self.writeFitData(self, dataPath = dataPath, outStem = 'pd_dump_test', fType = 'pdHDF') # Write to file using writeFitData wrapper. # Include outStem=dataType to avoid accidental datastamp file overwrite, or could support passed outStem? # UPDATE - now implemented above, set multiFile=True to use for dataType in dataTypes: # self.writeFitData(self, dataKey = dataKey, dataType = dataType, fType = fType, **kwargs) outStemItem = outStem if not multiFile: outStemItem = outStem+dataType # Use outStem with or without timestamp (pass as fName) if timeStamp: self.writeFitData(dataKey = dataKey, dataType = dataType, outStem = outStemItem, fType = fType, **kwargs) else: self.writeFitData(dataKey = dataKey, dataType = dataType, fName = f'{outStemItem}.{fType}', fType = fType, **kwargs)
#************* FILE WRITERS # v1 # def pickleData(self, dataPath = None, fName = None, outStem = None, n=None): # """ # Dump to file using Pickle. # Usual Pickle caveats apply: not recommended for longevity, but handy for checkpoints and backup. # """ # if dataPath is None: # # dataPath = os.getcwd() # OR # dataPath = Path().absolute() # if outStem is None: # outStem = 'dataDump' # if fName is None: # fName = setTimeStampedFileName(outStem = outStem, n = n, ext = 'pickle') # fOut = Path(dataPath,fName) # with open(fOut, 'wb') as handle: # pickle.dump(, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # if self.verbose['main']: # print(f'Dumped data to {fOut} with pickle.') # v2 - moved general path handling to wrapper
[docs]def _pickleData(self, fOut): """ Dump to file using Pickle. Usual Pickle caveats apply: not recommended for longevity, but handy for checkpoints and backup. """ with open(fOut, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if self.verbose['main']: print(f'Dumped to {fOut} with pickle.') return 1
[docs]def _writePDData(self, fOut, dataKey = 'fits', dataType='dfLong'): """ Dump item[dataKey][dataType] to file using Pandas.to_hdf(). This works well for Pandas Dataframes, including complex data. Also works for Xarray (via Pandas conversion routine), but may lose attribs. Default case will append to file if it exists, so multiple calls will add items (nodes/groups) to hdf store. (Note read in via Pandas requires per key reading in this case.) See And """ item =[dataKey][dataType] if not isinstance(item, pd.DataFrame): try: item, _ = multiDimXrToPD(item, colDims = 'Fit', squeeze = False) except: print(f"*** Couldn't convert[{dataKey}][{dataType}] to Pandas, skipping file writing") return 0 item.to_hdf(fOut, dataType) # Write to file with named group dataType if self.verbose['main']: print(f'Dumped[{dataKey}][{dataType}] to {fOut} with Pandas .to_hdf() routine.') return 1
[docs]def _writeXRData(self, fOut, dataKey = 'fits', dataType='AFxr', **kwargs): """ Dump item[dataKey][dataType] to file using ep.writeXarray, built on Xarray.to_netcdf() This works well for basic Xarray structures. For complex data to netCDF need to either set engine='h5netcdf', forceComplex=True, or split to Re + Im groups (currently default for ep.writeXarray). For HDF5 complex data is supported. Attributes may also need to be sanitised for netCDF writer. See :py:func:`epsproc.IO.writeXarray`__ and For docs on ePSproc Xarray IO (June 2022): Currently supported methods/engines: - netCDF via 'h5netcdf', 'scipy' or 'netcdf4' engines (using Xarray.to_netcdf()) - 'hdf5' via h5py (via dictionary conversion routines, see :py:func:`epsproc.ioBackends.hdf5IO.writeXarrayToHDF5`__) """ item =[dataKey][dataType].copy() # item = item.drop('Euler') # FOR TESTING ONLY! # writeXarray(item, fileName =, filePath = fOut.parent, **kwargs) try: writeXarray(item, fileName =, filePath = fOut.parent, **kwargs) return 1 except Exception as e: print(f"\n*** Failed to write[{dataKey}][{dataType}] to file {fOut} with ep.writeXarray().") print(f"ep.writeXarray() caught exception: {e}") print(f'(Partial write may have completed.)') return 0
#************ LOAD FILES
[docs]def getFilesList(fileIn = None, fileBase = None, fType = 'pickle', verbose = False): """Thin wrapper for epsproc.IO.getFiles - get file list from dir (no subdirs) by type""" return getFiles(fileIn = fileIn, fileBase = fileBase, fType = fType, verbose = verbose)
[docs]def loadFitData(self, fList = None, dataPath = None, batch = None, **kwargs): """ Load data dumps from a file or set of files (and stack). Currently Pickle files only. See writeFitData for other options/file types - to be added here too. NOTE: currently only supports single dir for dir scan. For file lists can pass names only, in which case dataPath will be added, or pass full paths in list. """ if dataPath is None: # dataPath = os.getcwd() # OR dataPath = Path().absolute() if fList is None: # Run dir scan fList = getFilesList(fileBase = dataPath, fType = 'pickle') # NOTE: seems like bad logic here, but allows for full file paths in fList since ep.getFiles() further checks this! # Probably not very efficient however. else: if not isinstance(fList,list): fList = [fList] # Check passed list of files for validity fList = getFilesList(fileIn = fList, fileBase = dataPath, fType = 'pickle', verbose = self.verbose['sub']) if not fList: print('* Warning: empty file list for reader, please check paths.') # Check files exist - either on full path or cwd. # Already included in main loop below! # TODO: add error message here? # UPDATE: now also done above via getFilesList() functionality. fOffset = 0 self.files['batches'] = {} for ind,fileIn in enumerate(fList): # for ind,fileIn in enumerate(fListChecked): # data.verbose['sub'] = 1 # Now duplicated above, via getFilesList(), should remove here? # Except above returns strings, not Paths. if not Path(fileIn).exists(): fileIn = Path(dataPath,fileIn) # Assume full path missing if file doesn't exist? else: fileIn = Path(fileIn) # Force Path object with open(fileIn, 'rb') as handle: dataIn = pickle.load(handle) if self.verbose['main']: print(f'Read data from {fileIn} with pickle.') # fInd = list(dataIn.keys())[-1] # Set final key from data - probably not a robust method however! YES - see better method below # This is currently used for indexing # Parse keys for max N - with checks in case list(dataIn.keys())[-1] fails (e.g. after data handling) fInd = np.array([k for k,v in dataIn.items() if isinstance(k,int)]).max() # Stack to data with new keys...? # Can use tuples, but might break other functions (which assume ints)? # YEP - currently breaks self.anayseFits() #{((ind,k) if isinstance(k,int) else k):v for k,v in dataIn.items()}) if batch is not None: # Stack by ints only, but preserve other data per file{((ind,k) if not isinstance(k,int) else k+fOffset):v for k,v in dataIn.items()}) else: # No batch case - just use inputs directly #{k:v for k,v in dataIn.items()}) fStart = fOffset fOffset = fOffset + fInd + 1 # Update total N # If fits are batched, fix steps to batch size # This allows for missing cases in input file, and preserves batch step size # TODO: allow for batch size per file. if batch is not None: if np.mod(fOffset,batch): fOffset = fOffset + (batch - np.mod(fOffset,batch)) # Log file input self.files['filesIn'].append(fileIn) self.files['dataPaths'].append(fileIn.parent) self.files['batches'][ind] = {'file': fileIn, 'fits':fInd, 'fitInds':[fStart, fOffset]} self.fitInd = fOffset