Source code for

# PEMtk, routines for checking matrix element relations/symmetries and setting constraints
# 31/08/21, packaging from dev notebook v3 code. See ePS_matE_symmetrization_dev_280621.ipynb

#************* v3-pk 31/08/21, packaging v3 code as set of functions.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ._util import lmmuListStrReformat

# TODO: try simplifying sym definitions with functions. See
# Quick test here, from ePS_matE_symmetrization_dev_280621.ipynb
# # Test adding function to lmfit params - note this requires params object to already be defined!
# def phaseWrap(x):
#     """Phase shift wrapper for -pi:pi"""
# #     return arctan2(sin(x), cos(x))          # This version not working in asteval run, although does work if set directly in params.
#     return np.arctan2(np.sin(x), np.cos(x))   # This version does run - namespace (local/global/asteval) issue?
# data.params._asteval.symtable['phaseWrap'] = phaseWrap

[docs]def symCheckDefns(): """ Set dictionary of lambda functions for matrix element symmetry relation checks. Currently set to check for identity, abs, phase & complex rotations (+/-pi/2). """ # Nested version with additional fn string/constraint defn. # Here: # - set 'transform' true/false to specify whether to operate on source data too. # - Set constraint with 'm_' and 'p_' to match current params settings. Should unify this somehow! # - NOTE: current version DOESN'T INCLUDE PHASE WRAPPING, so might cause issues with -pi:pi limits? Should test here with np.arctan2 solution as above. lams = { 'i': {'name': 'identity', # Restructure with nesting...? Might be overkill, but would be more flexible. 'lam': lambda x: x, 'transform': False, 'constraint': 'x'}, 'abs': {'name':'abs', 'lam': lambda x: np.abs(x), 'transform': True, 'constraint': 'm_x'}, 'phase': {'name':'phase', 'lam': lambda x: np.angle(x), 'transform': True, 'constraint': 'p_x'}, 'crot_p': {'name':'Complex rotation +pi/2', 'lam': lambda x: -x.imag + x.real*1j, 'transform': False, # 'constraint': 'p_x + pi/2'}, 'constraint': 'arctan2(sin(p_x+pi/2), cos(p_x+pi/2))'}, # Phase-wrapped version, seems to work OK in testing 'crot_m': {'name':'Complex rotation -pi/2', 'lam': lambda x: x.imag - x.real*1j, 'transform': False, # 'constraint': 'p_x - pi/2'}, 'constraint': 'arctan2(sin(p_x-pi/2), cos(p_x-pi/2))'}, # Phase-wrapped version, seems to work OK in testing } return lams
[docs]def symCheck(self, pdTest = None, matE = None, colDim = 'it', lams = None, verbose = 1): """ Check symmetrization of input matrix elements. Parameters ---------- pdTest : pandas DataFrame, optional, default = None Matrix elements to check, as set in a Pandas table format. Currently expects 1D array of matrix elements, as set in setMatEFit(). If None, matE will be used to create the test data. matE : Xarray, optional, default = None Matrix elements to check. If None, then uses[self.subKey]['matE'] colDims : dict, default = 'it' Quick hack to allow for restacking via ep.multiDimXrToPD, this will set to cols = 'it', then restack to 1D dataframe. This should always work for setting matE > fit parameters, but can be overridden if required. lams : dict, optional, default = None Dictionary of test lambda functions. If not set, will use lams = symCheckDefns() Returns ------- dict Set of parameter mappings/constraints, suitable to use for self.setMatEFit(paramsCons = newDict) dict of DataFrames - 'unique', Reduced set of unique matrix elements only. - 'constraints', List of constraints (as per parameters dict). - 'tests', Full list of tests & relations found. TODO: - Wrap for class. - Input checks and set default cases (see setMatEFit()). Should tidy to single input and then check type? """ # Quick and ugly wrap args for class - should tidy up here! if pdTest is None: if matE is None: # matE = self.subset matE =[self.subKey]['matE'] # pdTest, _ = multiDimXrToPD(matE, colDims=colDim, dropna=True, squeeze = False) # # pdTest, _ = ep.multiDimXrToPD(testMatE, colDims='Sym', dropna=True, squeeze = False) # pdTest = pd.DataFrame(pdTest.stack(colDim)) # Stack to 1D format and force to DF pdTest = self.pdConvSetFit(matE, colDim) # Functional version. # Get lambda functions if not set if lams is None: lams = symCheckDefns() # Create empty frame to hold expressions dfExpr = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(pdTest) for k,v in lams.items(): dfExpr[k] = dfExpr[0].copy() # Try looping # Here: # - Groupby [Cont,l] & loop over test items & conditions. # - May be better/neater/faster ways with native pandas (corr, vector/matrix mult?), itertools, or numpy methods? # - No way to pop a row item in pd? for df in pdTest.groupby(['Cont','l']): # Treat (continua, l) independently # print(df[0]) # Labels # print(df[1]) # DF group # print(df[1][0]) # DF group column # print(df[1][0][1]) # Individual values/items for testItem in df[1][0].items(): # Items + labels # print(testItem) # print(pdTest1D.loc[testItem[0]]) # Can also use label as selector # lmmuListStr = lmmuListStrReformat(df[1][0].index) # Set full index testLabel = lmmuListStrReformat([testItem[0]])[0] # Test item only # df[1][0].drop(testItem[0], inplace=True) # Pop test item to avoid self matches, FAILING April 2023 - python or Pandas changes...? df[1][0].pop(testItem[0]) # Pop test item to avoid self matches, OK 03/04/23 - PD 1.4.1, Python 3.9.10 for k,v in lams.items(): # testVal = testItem[1].apply(v) testVal = v['lam'](testItem[1]) if v['transform']: dfTest = df[1][0].apply(v['lam']) == testVal else: dfTest = df[1][0] == testVal # # In some cases also want to change source df for testing # if k in ['abs', 'phase']: # dfTest = df[1][0].apply(v) == testVal # # testExpr = # # elif k.startswith('rot'): # # dfTest = df[1][0].apply(np.angle).round(phasePrecision) == testVal # For rotation case need to compare phase val with rotated phase val. # # dfTest = df[1][0].apply(np.angle) == testVal # else: # dfTest = df[1][0] == testVal # dfTest.drop(test) # print(dfTest) # print(lmmuListStr[dfTest.values]) # if dfTest.sum() >0: # Add sum test here, avoids issues with empty or missing values. ACTUALLY NOT REQUIRED # print(lmmuListStr[0]) # Inplace setting # dfExpr.where(~dfTest, testLabel, inplace = True) # Not ~dfTest here, replaces FALSE values. # Version with col per test expr # dfExpr[k].where(~dfTest, testLabel, inplace = True) # Try skipping reset for exprs already defined (e.g. abs) # dfExpr[k][dfExpr[k].isna()].where(~dfTest, testLabel, inplace = True) # Runs, but returns all NaN # ind = dfExpr[k].isna() ind = dfExpr[k].isna() # dfExpr[k].where(~(dfTest & ind), testLabel, inplace = True) # OK, test case with basic relation label # With inspect + string replace for full fn sting output # This works nicely, but fn strings not quite as required for (abs,phase) fitting case! # fnStr = str(inspect.getsourcelines(lams[k])[0][0]).split(':')[-1].strip().replace('x', testLabel).strip(',') fnStr = v['constraint'].replace('x',testLabel) dfExpr[k].where(~(dfTest & ind), fnStr, inplace = True) #**** Set final tables # dfCons = dfExpr['abs','phase'].copy() dfCons = pd.DataFrame(dfExpr['abs']) dfCons['phase'] = dfExpr['phase'].combine_first(dfExpr['crot_p']).combine_first(dfExpr['crot_m']) # Combine phase terms with priority dfSymUn = pdTest[dfExpr['abs'].isna()] #**** Remap tables to dict to use for self.setMatEFit(paramsCons = newDict) pCons = dfCons.dropna().to_dict() # This outputs 'abs' and 'phase' constraints dict in current form, just need to rename params in output and all is good. # pCons['abs'] # Reformat with param labels (maybe easier to just set as a column above?) magDict = {f'm_{lmmuListStrReformat([k])[0]}': v for k,v in pCons['abs'].items()} phaseDict = {f'p_{lmmuListStrReformat([k])[0]}': v for k,v in pCons['phase'].items()} magDict.update(phaseDict) # Combine #**** Returns return magDict, {'unique':dfSymUn, 'constraints':dfCons, 'tests':dfExpr}