Source code for pemtk.sym._dipoleTerms

Compute dipole terms and allowed product functions for libmsym and symmetrized harmonics routines.

17/04/23 v1

from copy import deepcopy
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

from epsproc import multiDimXrToPD, matEleSelector
from ._util import toePSproc

# Generate basis

# Note this uses symHarm class
# from pemtk.sym.symHarm import symHarm
# def dipoleTerms(PG='Cs', reCartMap = {-1:'y',0:'z',1:'x'}, dimMap = {'C':'Cont', 'mu':'it'}):
#     """Compute dipole terms from symHarm object."""
#     # Create object
#     sym = PG
#     dipSym = symHarm(PG = sym, llist=1)  # In future can use llist = 1 to compute only l=1 term!
#     # Set (x,y,z) labels from real harmonics
#     dfCart = dipSym.coeffs['DF']['real'].rename(index = reCartMap).droplevel(['l','h','mu'])
#     cartMapping = dfCart.index.to_list()
#     # Set m terms from comp harmonics
#     # Select object and process - no remappinng
#     # dipolePD, _ = multiDimXrToPD(dipSym.coeffs['XR']['b (comp)'], colDims = 'C', thres=1e-4) #, fillna=True)
#     # With remapping - optional?
#     dataType = 'matE'
#     dipSym.toePSproc(dimMap = dimMap, dataType=dataType)
#     dipolePD, _ = multiDimXrToPD(dipSym.coeffs[dataType]['b (comp)'], colDims = 'Cont', thres=1e-4) #, fillna=True)
#     dictOut = {}
#     # for (col, vals) in dipSym.coeffs['DF']['comp'].copy().unstack(level='C').iteritems():
#     for (col, vals) in dipolePD.iteritems():
#         dictOut[col]={'m':vals.dropna().index.get_level_values('m').to_list(),
#                       'pol':[p[1] for p in cartMapping if p[0]==col]}
#     return dipSym, dictOut

# TODO: generalise this to any pair of symmetries. Then chain for allowed terms for orbital etc.
# MAY want to do this as (1) multiple table look-ups, (2) per directProductTable() for specific syms only (mulitple times) - might be cleaner?
# def allowedProducts(dipSym, dictOut):
#     """Compute allowed continuum X dipole terms."""
#     # Check direct products
#     # dfDP,_ = diretProductTable(PG = dipSym.PG)
#     dfDP = dipSym.directProducts
#     prodTerms = dfDP[list(dictOut.keys())]  # Subselect valid cols
#     # Check which terms contain totally symmetric representation
#     # prodTerms.applymap(lambda x: True if (dipSym.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species[0].name in x) else False)
#     prodValid = prodTerms.applymap(lambda x: True if (dipSym.irreps[0] in x) else False)
#     # List of tuples of valid (C,dip) pairs
#     dipContList = prodValid[prodValid > 0 ].stack().index.tolist()
#     return dipContList, prodTerms, prodValid

# v2 Similar to above, but for symHarm class - this assumes self and subselects on l.
[docs]def dipoleTermsSymHarm(self, reCartMap = {-1:'y',0:'z',1:'x'}, dimMap = {'C':'Cont', 'mu':'it'}): """Compute dipole terms from symHarm object.""" # Create object # sym = PG # dipSym = symHarm(PG = sym, llist=1) # In future can use llist = 1 to compute only l=1 term! # dipSym = deepcopy(self) # For class version set copy to allow for subselection etc. below. # Can't deepcopy class, so just set relevant parts below instead. # Set (x,y,z) labels from real harmonics, l=1 dfCart = self.coeffs['DF']['real'].xs(1, level='l').rename(index = reCartMap).droplevel(['h','mu']) cartMapping = dfCart.index.to_list() # Set m terms from comp harmonics # Select object and process - no remappinng # dipolePD, _ = multiDimXrToPD(dipSym.coeffs['XR']['b (comp)'], colDims = 'C', thres=1e-4) #, fillna=True) # With remapping - optional? dataType = 'matE' # dipSym.toePSproc(dimMap = dimMap, dataType=dataType) coeffs= toePSproc(self.coeffs, dimMap = dimMap, dataType = dataType, verbose = self.verbose) dipoleTerms = matEleSelector(coeffs['b (comp)'].unstack(), inds = {'l':1}, thres = None, drop=True) dipoleTerms.attrs = coeffs.attrs # Propagate attribs dipoleTerms.attrs['dataType'] = 'dipole' dipolePD, _ = multiDimXrToPD(dipoleTerms, colDims = 'Cont', thres=1e-4) #, fillna=True) dictOut = {} # for (col, vals) in dipSym.coeffs['DF']['comp'].copy().unstack(level='C').iteritems(): for (col, vals) in dipolePD.iteritems(): dictOut[col]={'m':vals.dropna().index.get_level_values('m').to_list(), 'pol':[p[1] for p in cartMapping if p[0]==col]} # return dipSym, dictOut # return {'dictOut':dictOut, 'dipolePD':dipolePD, 'dipoleTerms':dipoleTerms, 'coeffs':coeffs, } self.dipole = {'dipoleSyms':dictOut, 'dipolePD':dipolePD, 'dipoleXR':dipoleTerms, 'coeffsXR':coeffs, } if self.verbose: print("Found dipole symmetries: ") print(dictOut)
# As above, but use self.
[docs]def allowedProductsTable(self): """Compute allowed continuum X dipole terms.""" # Check direct products # dfDP,_ = diretProductTable(PG = dipSym.PG) dfDP = self.directProductTable prodTerms = dfDP[list(self.dipole['dipoleSyms'].keys())] # Subselect valid cols # Check which terms contain totally symmetric representation # prodTerms.applymap(lambda x: True if (dipSym.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species[0].name in x) else False) prodValid = prodTerms.applymap(lambda x: True if (self.irreps[0] in x) else False) # Drop other terms? prodValid = prodValid.where(prodValid).dropna(how='all').fillna('') # List of tuples of valid (C,dip) pairs dipContList = prodValid[prodValid == True ].stack().index.tolist() # return dipContList, prodTerms, prodValid self.dipole.update({'dipContList':dipContList, 'prodTerms':prodTerms, 'prodValid':prodValid})
# Assign allowed subset and m values via symmetry
[docs]def assignSymMuTerms(self, keyDim = 'Cont', # targSym = None, dataType = 'matE', dimMap = None, dataTypeOut = 'symAllowed'): """ Assign matrix elements from dipole-allowed symmetries, and associated mu values. 20/04/23 v2 - use self.continuum instead of basic direct product for assignments 18/04/23 v1 """ # Convert to ePSproc data type if not already present if not dataType in self.coeffs.keys(): if dimMap is None: self.toePSproc(dataType=dataType) else: self.toePSproc(dataType=dataType, dimMap = dimMap) # With custom dimMap # Set to totally symmetric target if not specified # if targSym is None: # targSym = self.irreps[0] # Set m from keyDim and allowed terms... testAllowed = {} dipoleTerms = self.dipole['dipoleSyms'].copy() mMapping = {} symTerms = self.coeffs[dataType].coords[keyDim].values # v1 # # Compute as direct products # # Basically already in self.dipole['prodValid']... so could use that instead... # for n, s1 in enumerate(symTerms): # # for n, s1 in enumerate(testDP): # for s,v in dipoleTerms.items(): # testAllowed[(s1,s)] = {'directProd':self.directProduct(terms = [s1, s])} # testAllowed[(s1,s)]['allowed'] = True if self.irreps[0] in testAllowed[(s1,s)]['directProd'] else False # if testAllowed[(s1,s)]['allowed']: # mMapping[s1] = v #********** v2 - use self.continuum if hasattr(self,'continuum'): testAllowed = self.continuum['dict'] else: print(f"*** self.continuum not set, skipping mu assignments. Run self.directProductContinuum() to set allowed dipole terms.") return None for k,v in testAllowed.items(): # print(v) if v['allowed']: mMapping[v['targSym']] = v #********** # Set mu axis correctly... muList = [] testDS = self.coeffs[dataType].copy() for k,v in mMapping.items(): muXR = testDS.where(testDS.coords[keyDim] == k, drop=True) if len(v['m']) > 1: muXR0 = muXR.copy() muXR0.coords['mu'] =['m'][0]) muXR1 = muXR.copy() muXR1.coords['mu'] =['m'][1]) muList.extend([muXR0.copy(),muXR1.copy()]) else: muXR.coords['mu'] =['m']) muList.extend([muXR.copy()]) testMuMerge = xr.merge(muList) # THIS MIGHT BE OK, not sure yet... testMuMerge.coords['mu'] = testMuMerge.coords['mu'].astype(int) # Force coords to int. mergePD, _ = multiDimXrToPD(testMuMerge['b (comp)'], colDims = keyDim, thres=1e-4) self.coeffs[dataTypeOut] = {'XR':testMuMerge, 'PD':mergePD} if self.verbose: print(f"Assigned dipole-allowed terms for dim = '{keyDim}' to self.coeffs['{dataTypeOut}']")
[docs]def assignMissingSym(self, dim, values, dataType = 'matE', multiInd = 'Sym'): """ Replace values in dim, for levels of a (Symmetry style) MultiIndex. Use this to change symmetry labels, e.g. to replace missing symmetries assigned as 'U'. Parameters ---------- dim : str Dimension to replace, from matE dataType. Can be ['Cont','Targ','Total'] values : str, list or array If string, all values are replace by this. If list or array must match size of existing coords. dataType : str, optional, default = 'matE' DataType to use, from self.coeffs[dataType] Must correspond to Xarray variable with multiInd present. multiInd : str, optional, default = 'Sym' MultiIndex containing levels to replace. """ newDS = self.coeffs[dataType].copy() if isinstance(values, str): newVals = newDS.coords[dim].str.replace('U',values).values # OK else: newVals = values # Quick XARRAY MultiIndex COORD REFRESHER # see # Think I've done this elsewhere - need to unstack and restack for multiindex coord replacement. # testDS = testDS.reset_index(dim, drop=True).assign_coords(Targ=('Sym',newTarg.values)) # .set_index(Sym='Targ', append=True) # Not required? newDS = newDS.reset_index(dim, drop=True).assign_coords({dim:(multiInd,newVals)}).set_index(Sym=dim, append=True) # Output looks OK without set_index too, but seems to cause issues later with dim dropping! self.coeffs[dataType] = newDS if self.verbose: print(f"*** Updated self.coeffs['{dataType}'] with new coords.")
[docs]def assignMissingSymProd(self, dim = 'Total', dataType = 'matE', multiIndName = 'Sym'): """ Assign missing symmetry label as direct product of other existing labels. For a given dimension, assign values from other dims of the same multiindex set. Parameters ---------- dim : str, default = 'Total' Dimension to replace, from matE dataType. For usual matrix elements definition this can be ['Cont','Targ','Total'] dataType : str, optional, default = 'matE' DataType to use, from self.coeffs[dataType] Must correspond to Xarray variable with multiInd present. multiIndName : str, optional, default = 'Sym' MultiIndex containing levels to replace. Notes ----- Default case uses dim = 'Total', dataType = 'matE', multiIndName = 'Sym'. Sym contains dims 'Sym': ['Cont', 'Targ', 'Total'] (See ep.dataTypesList()) """ # Check dims? # ep.util.misc.checkDims # ep.dataTypesList() # Assume dims...? # dims = ep.util.listFuncs.getRefDims(dipSym.coeffs[dataType]) dims = set(self.coeffs[dataType].indexes[multiIndName].names) - {dim} # Get dims from set # Case for symAllowed only # cont = dipSym.coeffs['symAllowed']['XR'].indexes['Sym'].get_level_values('Cont') # targ = dipSym.coeffs['symAllowed']['XR'].indexes['Sym'].get_level_values('Targ') # Assign all cases # This is OK, but may want to iterate over each set instead to allow >2 later...? symsInput = {} symsList = [] for d in dims: symsInput[d] = self.coeffs[dataType].indexes[multiIndName].get_level_values(d) symsList.append(list(symsInput[d])) # Use np.array to handle arb sets and transpose prodList = np.array(symsList).T # symsInput = {} # symsList = [] # d1 = self.coeffs[dataType].indexes[multiIndName].get_level_values(dims[0]) # for n,item in enumerate(d1): # for d in dims: # symsInput[d] = self.coeffs[dataType].indexes[multiIndName].get_level_values(d) # targ = dipSym.coeffs[dataType].indexes['Sym'].get_level_values('Targ') # for item in dipSym.coeffs['symAllowed']['XR'].indexes['Sym']: # # print(item[1]) # newList.append([*item]).str.replace('U','test') # # newList.append( # return symsInput, symsList directProdDict = {} directProdList = [] for n,item in enumerate(prodList): directProd = self.directProduct(terms = item) # newDict[n] = {'cont':cont[n], 'targ':targ[n], 'prod':directProd} directProdDict[n] = {'Terms':item, 'Product':directProd} directProdList.append(directProd[0]) if len(directProd) > 1: print(f"Found multiple products for {' x '.join(item)} = {directProd}; assigning '{dim}' as {directProd[0]}.") else: print(f"Assigned '{dim}' from {' x '.join(item)} = {directProd}") self.assignMissingSym(dim,directProdList) # Assign dim with list