Source code for pemtk.sym.symHarm

Class for determining and handling symmetrized harmonics.

23/03/22    v2

- Switched to nested dicts for coeffs, now all in self.coeffs[dtype].

24/02/22    v1 in development.

- For early dev work see http://localhost:8888/lab/workspaces/symm/tree/python/chem/tools/symmetrized_harmonics_libmsym_tests_160122.ipynb
- For class dev see http://localhost:8888/lab/workspaces/symm/tree/python/chem/tools/symmetrized_harmonics_PEMtk-dev_240222.ipynb


- Data to dicts?  Currently have multiple self.coeffXX attribs.
- Interface/convert to matrix elements for ePSproc use.


import libmsym as msym

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import argparse, random, sys

import pyshtools as pysh

    import xarray as xr
[docs] xrFlag = True
except: print("***Xarray not found, XR outputs not available.") xrFlag = False from ._util import prefixAxisTitles, listPGs, toePSproc, toePSman from ._directProduct import directProductTable, diretProductFromList # from ._dipoleTerms import dipoleTerms, allowedProducts
[docs]class symHarm(): r""" Class to set and manipulate symmetrized harmonics. Main symmetry routine uses [libmsym](, code adapted from Background ---------- Symmetrized (or generalised) harmonics, which essentially provide correctly symmetrized functions for a given irreducible representation, $\Gamma$, be defined by linear combinations of spherical harmonics \cite{Altmann1963a,Altmann1965,Chandra1987}: \begin{equation} X_{hl}^{\Gamma\mu*}(\theta,\phi)=\sum_{\lambda}b_{hl\lambda}^{\Gamma\mu}Y_{l,\lambda}(\theta,\phi)\label{eq:symm-harmonics} \end{equation} where: - $\Gamma$ is an irreducible representation, - ($l$, $\lambda$) define the usual spherical harmonic indicies (rank, order) - $b_{hl\lambda}^{\Gamma\mu}$ are symmetrization coefficients, - index $\mu$ allows for indexing of degenerate components, - $h$ indexe cases where multiple components are required with all other quantum numbers identical. The exact form of these coefficients will depend on the point-group of the system, see, e.g. \cite{Chandra1987,Reid1994}. Method ------ - Point-groups, character table generation and symmetrization (computing $b_{hl\lambda}^{\Gamma\mu}$ parameters) is handled by [libmsym]( (based on - Supported point groups: Ci, Cs, Cnv, Dn, Dnh, Dnd, Td, O, Oh, I and Ih - Routines have been tested with libmsym v0.2.2, March 2022 (last commit - Spherical harmonic expansions and conversions (real, imaginary, normalization etc.) and basic ploting (2D maps) are handled by [pySHtools]( - Routines have been tested with v4.5 and 4.9 (current March 2022). - TODO: Interface to PEMtk/ePSproc for other plotters and handling routines. - TODO: some hardcoded labelling to fix, also incorrect in places ("character" instead of "irrep") Examples -------- >>> # Compute params for Td, lmax=4 >>> xlm = symHarm('Td',4) >>> # Print charater table >>> xlm.printCharacterTable() >>> # Display table of params >>> xlm.displayXlm() >>> # Plot functions >>> xlm.plotXlm() """ from ._dipoleTerms import dipoleTermsSymHarm as dipoleTerms from ._dipoleTerms import allowedProductsTable, assignSymMuTerms, assignMissingSym, assignMissingSymProd def __init__(self, PG = 'Cs', lmax = 4, llist = None, dims = ['C', 'h', 'mu', 'l', 'm']): """ Init class object. Paramters --------- PG : string, default = 'Cs' Point-group. lmax : int, default = 4 Maximum l to use. llist : list, optional, default = None If set, used instead of lmax to define specific l to use (all m). E.g. llist = [1,3,5]. TODO: more options here, e.g. set m, pass existing Xarray or SHtools objects? Can also subselect from outputs of course. dims : list, default = ['C', 'h', 'mu', 'l', 'm'] Dimension labels to use for outputs. """ # Set params self.PG = PG self.lmax = lmax self.llist = llist self.dims = dims # Dims names from defaults, or as passed. self.dtypes = ['O',int,int,int,int] # Set dtypes for dims self.verbose = 1 self.PGlist = listPGs() # Set via function to allow for access from other classes etc. # Set data structure self.coeffs = {} # Set single element as expansion centre self.elements = [msym.Element(name = "C", coordinates = [0.0, 0.0,0.0])] # Compute harmonic coeffs self.set_lm_basis() self.calcSymHarmonics() # Conversions (with defaults) self.setCoeffsSH() self.setCoeffsXR() # Additional outputs self.getIrreps() self.directProductTable, self.directProductsDict = directProductTable(PG = self.PG) # self.directProduct = diretProductFromList # Dipole terms # self.dipoleTerms = dipoleTerms self.dipoleTerms() self.allowedProductsTable() # self.dipoleTerms = dipoleTerms(self.PG) # TODO: may want to set dimMap here too? # self.dipoleProducts = allowedProducts(*self.dipoleTerms) #*********************** CALCULATION FUNCTIONS
[docs] def set_lm_basis(self): """Set basis functions for each (element, l, m).""" self.basis_functions = [] if self.llist is not None: # Wrap int case. if not isinstance(self.llist, list): self.llist = [self.llist] llist = self.llist else: llist = range(0, self.lmax+1) for l in llist: for m in range(-l,l+1): # basis_functions.extend([set_basis(e, l=l, m=m, n=n, name=f"{l}s{m}") for e in elements]) self.basis_functions.extend([self.set_basis(e, l=l, m=m, n=self.lmax+1, name=f"{l},{m}") for e in self.elements])
# Set basis for arb l,m,n...
[docs] def set_basis(self,element, l, m, n, name): """Set basis function for a given (element, n, l, m,).""" basis_function = msym.RealSphericalHarmonic(element = element, l=l, m=m, n=n, name = name) element.basis_functions = [basis_function] return basis_function
[docs] def calcSymHarmonics(self): """Compute symmetrized harmonic coeffs for point group up to lmax.""" # Try tabulting for Pandas tabOut = [] ctx = msym.Context(elements = self.elements, basis_functions = self.basis_functions, point_group = self.PG) for ss in ctx.subrepresentation_spaces: # print(ctx.character_table.symmetry_species[ss.symmetry_species].name) for salcix, salc in enumerate(ss.salcs): # print(f"salc {salcix}") for pfix, pf in enumerate(salc.partner_functions): # print(f"\tpartern function {pfix}") for ix, v in enumerate(pf): if (abs(v) > 100*sys.float_info.epsilon): # print("\t\t{0}*{1} ".format(v,salc.basis_functions[ix].name)); l,m = salc.basis_functions[ix].name.split(',') # Set line in output - lists # tabOut.append([ctx.character_table.symmetry_species[ss.symmetry_species].name, salcix, pfix, int(l), int(m), v]) # Tuple version for NP structured array creation. tabOut.append((ctx.character_table.symmetry_species[ss.symmetry_species].name, salcix, pfix, int(l), int(m), v)) # Log outputs - may want to use dicts? self.ctx = ctx # self.coeffTable = tabOut # self.coeffs['libmsym'] = {'real':tabOut} # Convert to NP structured array (keeps heterogeneous dtypes) dimTypes = list(zip(self.dims,self.dtypes)) # Dims dimTypes.extend([('b',float)]) # Data self.coeffs['libmsym'] = {'real':np.asarray(tabOut, dtype=dimTypes)} # Set PD table form too self.setCoeffsPD()
[docs] def directProduct(self, terms): """ Compute direct products for a list of terms (symmetries/species/irreps). """ prodList, *_ = diretProductFromList(PG = self.PG, terms = terms) return prodList
[docs] def directProductDipole(self, terms): """ Compute direct products for a list of terms (symmetries/species/irreps), and include dipole terms. """ # Dipole terms dipoleDict = self.dipole['dipoleSyms'] # Loop over dipole terms and find direct products dipDictOut = {} for s in dipoleDict: termsD = terms.copy() termsD.append(s) # print(termsD) rList, *_ = diretProductFromList(PG = self.PG, terms=termsD) # dipDict[s] = rDict.copy() dipDictOut[s] = dipoleDict[s].copy() dipDictOut[s]['dipSym'] = s dipDictOut[s]['result'] = rList.copy() # dipDict[s]['valid'] = [k for k in rDict.keys() if k == 'A1g'] # self.irreps[0]] dipDictOut[s]['allowed'] = True if self.irreps[0] in rList else False # Allowed terms contain totally symmetric rep. dipDictOut[s]['terms'] = terms self.dipole['dipoleProducts'] = dipDictOut.copy()
[docs] def directProductContinuum(self, terms, disp = True): """ Compute direct products for a list of terms (symmetries/species/irreps), and include dipole terms. Similar to directProductDipole, but additionally loops over all irreps to determine valid photoionization combinations, i.e. allowed continuum symmetries for the given cases. """ # Dipole terms dipoleDict = self.dipole['dipoleSyms'] # Loop over dipole terms and find direct products dipDictOut = {} for s in dipoleDict: termsD = terms.copy() termsD.append(s) # print(termsD) # loop over all irreps and check if terms are valid. for s2 in self.irreps: termsD2 = termsD.copy() termsD2.append(s2) # print(termsD2) rList, rDict = diretProductFromList(PG = self.PG, terms=termsD2) # dipDict[s] = rDict.copy() dipDictOut[(s,s2)] = dipoleDict[s].copy() dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['dipSym'] = s dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['targSym'] = s2 dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['result'] = rList.copy() # dipDict[s]['valid'] = [k for k in rDict.keys() if k == 'A1g'] # self.irreps[0]] # dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['allowed'] = True if 'A1g' in rList else False dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['allowed'] = True if self.irreps[0] in rList else False # Allowed terms contain totally symmetric rep. dipDictOut[(s,s2)]['terms'] = terms # dipDict[s].update(dipoleDict[s]) # Set dataframe and tidy pdCont = pd.DataFrame(dipDictOut).drop(['dipSym','targSym']).T pdCont.index.rename(['Dipole','Target'], inplace=True) pdCont = pdCont.reindex(columns=sorted(pdCont.columns)) self.continuum = {'dict': dipDictOut.copy(), 'PD': pdCont, 'allowed': {'PD':pdCont[pdCont.allowed], 'list': pdCont[pdCont.allowed == True ].index.tolist(), # (Dip, Targ) tuples 'targList': pdCont[pdCont.allowed == True ].index.get_level_values('Target').tolist(), # Targ only 'dipList': pdCont[pdCont.allowed == True ].index.get_level_values('Dipole').tolist(),} # Dip only } # Display with highlights? # For styler see if disp: display( x: ['background-color : yellow']*x.shape[0] if x.allowed else ['background-color : lightgrey']*x.shape[0], axis = 1)) # One liner OK with axis set and mult. by cols.
[docs] def scatSym(self, symIon, pdInput = 'allowed', disp = True): """ Add scattering symmetry column to self.continuum['allowed']['PD']. scatSym = continuum x ion (per ePS definition) 19/02/24 v1 """ print(f"Adding scattering symmetries for ion={symIon}") # Set vars scatSymList = [] # Use subselection only? if pdInput == 'allowed': pdInput = self.continuum['allowed']['PD'] else: pdInput = self.continuum['PD'] # Basic version with loop using existing direct product. # Should redo as table lookup as directProduct case above? for sym in pdInput.index.get_level_values(level='Target'): scatSymList.append(self.directProduct([symIon,sym])) # Append to main table pdInput['scat'] = scatSymList # Add list to 'allowed' dict self.continuum['allowed']['scatList'] = pdInput[pdInput.allowed == True ]['scat'].tolist() # Set ePSman symList self.toePSman() if disp: display( x: ['background-color : yellow']*x.shape[0] if x.allowed else ['background-color : lightgrey']*x.shape[0], axis = 1)) # One liner OK with axis set and mult. by cols.
#*********************** CONVERSION FUNCTIONS
[docs] def toePSproc(self, dimMap = {'C':'Cont','h':'it', 'mu':'muX'}, dataType = 'BLM'): """Wrap toePSproc method.""" self.coeffs[dataType] = toePSproc(self.coeffs, dimMap = dimMap, dataType = dataType, verbose = self.verbose)
[docs] def toePSman(self, scatSym = None, contSym = None): """Wrap toePSman method.""" if scatSym is None: scatSym = self.continuum['allowed']['scatList'] if contSym is None: contSym = self.continuum['allowed']['targList'] ePSSymList = toePSman(scatSym, contSym) self.continuum['allowed']['ePSSymList']=ePSSymList
[docs] def getIrreps(self): """ Get irrep labels from libmsym repr. Quick hack to grab labels from self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species objects, should be a better way. For source, see """ irreps = [] for item in self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species: # print(item) irreps.append( self.irreps = irreps
[docs] def getSymOps(self): """ Get symmetry operation labels from libmsym repr. Quick hack to grab labels from self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_operations objects, should be a better way. For source, see """ symOps = [] for item in self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_operations: # print(item) symOps.append(item.__str__().split('(')[1].strip().split(',')[0].split(' ')[0]) self.symOps = symOps
[docs] def setCharTablePD(self): """Generate character table & convert to Pandas DataFrame.""" charTab = [] for n,item in enumerate(self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species): charTab.append([, item.dim, *self.ctx.character_table.table[n,:]]) # charTab.extend(self.ctx.character_table.table[n,:]) # charTab.append([, item.dim]) #.extend(self.ctx.character_table.table[n,:])) charTabNP = np.asarray(charTab) self.getSymOps() # Set self.symOps for symmetry operation labels. mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(charTabNP[:,0:2].T, names=['Character','dim']) # df = pd.DataFrame(charTabNP[:,2:], index = mInd, columns=self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_operations[0]._names) df = pd.DataFrame(charTabNP[:,2:], index = mInd, columns=self.symOps) self.charTablePD = df
[docs] def setCoeffsPD(self, key = 'libmsym', dtype = 'real'): """ Convert raw list output to Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- key : str, optional, default = 'libmsym' Key for self.coeffs[key] dtype : str, optional, default = 'real' Key for self.coeffs[key][dtype] """ tabOutNP = self.coeffs[key][dtype] # For structured array version # tabOutNP = np.asarray(self.coeffs['libmsym']['real']) # Numpy OK, but seems to convert types? # Homogeneous type? Would be OK for values only? # Should be able to set, e.g. table = np.asarray(symObj.coeffTableC) #, dtype='str, int, int, int, int, float') # But currently fails, probably row/col ordering issue? See # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=['Character', 'SALC (X)', 'PFIX (h)', 'l', 'm']) #********************************** 02/03/22 - updated labels, may break things later! # TODO: unify list, use short + long forms? # E.g. # Applymap for display? # Or indexing long names: # Sticky headers: # # UPDATE: set long names to metadata (.attrs['indexes']) and use for display. See self.displayXlm() for more. # #********************************** # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=['Character ($\Gamma$)', 'SALC (h)', 'PFIX ($\mu$)', 'l', 'm']) # defaultInd = ['C', 'h', 'mu', 'l', 'm'] defaultInd = self.dims # Basic case # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=defaultInd) # df = pd.DataFrame(tabOutNP[:,-1].astype(np.float), index = mInd, columns=['b (real)']) # For structured array version mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tabOutNP[:][self.dims].tolist(), names=defaultInd) # Set index from named dims # df = pd.DataFrame(tabOutNP[:][tabOutNP.dtype.names[-1]], index = mInd, columns=[f'b (dtype)']) # Set data from final dim in array df = pd.DataFrame(tabOutNP[:][tabOutNP.dtype.names[-1]], index = mInd, columns=['b']) # mInd df.attrs['indexes']= {'shortnames': defaultInd, 'longnames': {'C':'Character ($\Gamma$)', 'h':'SALC (h)', 'mu':'PFIX ($\mu$)'}, #, 'l':'l', 'm':'m'}, 'shortSymbol': {'C':'$\Gamma$', 'mu':'$\mu$'}, #, 'l', 'm'], 'libmsym': {'C':'Character', 'h':'SALC', 'mu':'PFIX'}, # 'l', 'm'], 'note': "Column name mapping for different sources/conventions. 'shortnames' is default list as used at DF creation." } # df.attrs['type'] = 'real' # REal harmonics from libmsym df.attrs['type'] = dtype # Use passed type # TODO: tidy up output & set names & metadata # = f"Symmetrize harmonic coeffs {self.PG}" # Not working? # self.coeffDF = df.unstack(level='l').fillna('') # Set cols by l - DO THIS ONLY FOR DISPLAY LATER? OR ADD A SWITCH/OPTION? # self.coeffDF = df #.unstack(level='l').fillna('') if not 'DF' in self.coeffs.keys(): self.coeffs['DF'] = {} self.coeffs['DF'][dtype] = df
# .columns.names # self.coeffDF.attrs = df.attrs # Propagate attribs # self.coeffs['DF'][dtype].attrs = df.attrs # Propagate attribs
[docs] def setCoeffsSH(self, absM = True): r""" Convert symmertrized harmonics to SHtools object, and convert type to complex. Parameters ---------- absM : bool, optional, default = True Use absM values from input coeff labels? May need to force abs(M) for libmsym results? Or double up +/-M terms? Notes ----- - Are sign convensions consistent? - Looks like +m in libmsym output == symmetric case (same sign for +/-m). - And -m is antisym case. - Now fixed above (hopefully) by setting -m term as mSign*clmC.coeffs[1,l,m]] - Could also be Condon-Shortley phase, have INCLUDED it here (see - Current version seems to match Chandra 1987 & Boiko et. al. 2006 for some tested Td cases, more testing required. Sources: - <div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; "> <div class="csl-entry">Boiko, D.L., Féron, P. and Besnard, P. (2006) ‘Simple method to obtain symmetry harmonics of point groups’, <i>The Journal of Chemical Physics</i>, 125(9), p. 094104. doi:<a href="">10.1063/1.2338040</a>.</div> <span class="Z3988" title="url_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;;rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1063%2F1.2338040&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&amp;rft.genre=article&amp;rft.atitle=Simple%20method%20to%20obtain%20symmetry%20harmonics%20of%20point%20groups&amp;rft.jtitle=The%20Journal%20of%20Chemical%20Physics&amp;rft.stitle=J.%20Chem.%20Phys.&amp;rft.volume=125&amp;rft.issue=9&amp;rft.aufirst=D.%20L.&amp;rft.aulast=Boiko&amp;;;;;rft.pages=094104&amp;rft.issn=0021-9606"></span> </div> - <div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; "> <div class="csl-entry">Chandra, N. (1987) ‘Photoelectron spectroscopic studies of polyatomic molecules. I. Theory’, <i>Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics</i>, 20(14), pp. 3405–3415. doi:<a href="">10.1088/0022-3700/20/14/013</a>.</div> <span class="Z3988" title="url_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;;rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1088%2F0022-3700%2F20%2F14%2F013&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&amp;rft.genre=article&amp;rft.atitle=Photoelectron%20spectroscopic%20studies%20of%20polyatomic%20molecules.%20I.%20Theory&amp;rft.jtitle=Journal%20of%20Physics%20B%3A%20Atomic%20and%20Molecular%20Physics&amp;rft.volume=20&amp;rft.issue=14&amp;rft.aufirst=N&amp;rft.aulast=Chandra&amp;;;rft.pages=3405-3415&amp;rft.spage=3405&amp;rft.epage=3415&amp;rft.issn=0022-3700"></span> </div> """ # Set data in df = self.coeffs['DF']['real'] # Stacked case # df = self.coeffDF.stack(level='l').swaplevel(i='l',j='m') # TODO: better dim handling here/below? # NOTE: swaplevel to force (l,m) order. # npTab = np.asarray(self.coeffTable) # absM = True # May need to force abs(M) for libmsym results? Or double up +/-M terms? # Get symmetries from Dataframe - assume first dim for this. symList = df.index.unique(level=self.dims[0]) # lmax from Dataframe lmax = np.asarray(df.index.unique(level='l')).astype(int).max() tabOut = [] clmSets = {} clmInd = 1 # For each symmetry, get coeffs, push to SHTOOLS format & convert for sym in symList: # print(sym) # Unified version - need to replace empty strings too! # npTab = df.loc[sym].droplevel(['SALC (X)', 'PFIX (h)']).reset_index().replace('','NaN').to_numpy().astype('float') # Original names npTab = df.loc[sym].droplevel(['h', 'mu']).reset_index().replace('','NaN').to_numpy().astype('float') # Short name version - should pull names from attrs or cols however. npTab = npTab[~np.isnan(npTab[:,-1])] # Drop NaNs # print(npTab) # clm.set_coeffs(npTab) # NEEDS (values, ls, ms) clm = pysh.SHCoeffs.from_zeros(lmax = npTab[:,0].max().astype(int)) # Store all clms sets (per sym) # clmSets[clmInd] = {'sym':sym, 're':clm} clmSets[sym] = {'real':clm} if absM: clm.set_coeffs(npTab[:,2], npTab[:,0].astype(int), np.abs(npTab[:,1].astype(int))) # OK else: clm.set_coeffs(npTab[:,2], npTab[:,0].astype(int), npTab[:,1].astype(int)) # OK # clm.coeffs clmC = clm.convert(csphase=-1, kind='complex') # clmSets[clmInd].update('im':clmC) # clmInd += 1 clmSets[sym].update({'comp':clmC}) # Tabulate clm entries for n in df.loc[sym].index: # print(dfC.loc['A1'].loc[n]) #*** Single symmetry to numpy array (l,m,coeff) # npTab = df.loc[sym].droplevel(['SALC (X)', 'PFIX (h)']).reset_index().to_numpy() #.unstack().to_numpy() # npTab=npTab.astype('float') # Need to fix type? # npTab # Unified version - need to replace empty strings too! NOW SET ABOVE # # clm.set_coeffs(npTab) # NEEDS (values, ls, ms) # clm = pysh.SHCoeffs.from_zeros(lmax = npTab[:,0].max().astype(int)) # if absM: # clm.set_coeffs(npTab[:,2], npTab[:,0].astype(int), np.abs(npTab[:,1].astype(int))) # OK # else: # clm.set_coeffs(npTab[:,2], npTab[:,0].astype(int), npTab[:,1].astype(int)) # OK # # clm.coeffs # clmC = clm.convert(csphase=-1, kind='complex') # Set to output table with updated (l,m) set s,h,l,m = n # Unpack ref values # ind = dfC.loc['A1'].loc[n] # Get updated ref value # print(df.loc[n]) # print(clm.coeffs[:,int(l),np.abs(int(m))]) # Check inputs # print(clmC.coeffs[:,int(l),np.abs(int(m))]) # Check conversions l = int(l) if absM: mSign = np.sign(int(m)) m = np.abs(int(m)) else: mSign =1 m = int(m) # m = int(m) # tabOut.append([sym, s, h, l, m, clmC.coeffs[:,l,m]]) # This will add 2 values per (l,m) # Format +/-m pairs try: if m != 0: # tabOut.append([sym, s, h, l, m, clmC.coeffs[0,l,m]]) # tabOut.append([sym, s, h, l, -m, mSign*clmC.coeffs[1,l,m]]) # Apply phase fix? tabOut.append((sym, s, h, l, m, clmC.coeffs[0,l,m])) tabOut.append((sym, s, h, l, -m, mSign*clmC.coeffs[1,l,m])) # Apply phase fix? else: tabOut.append((sym, s, h, l, m, clmC.coeffs[0,l,m])) # Skip index errors, can get this is given (l,m) is null/removed for sym group. # TODO: should be fixable from PD DataFrame? Due to shared index over all sym groups? # NOTE: seemed to be OK, then broke again when playing with index name/styles... bug in index selection somewhere? Should confirm no spurious assignments here. except IndexError: pass # Set new output tables # tabOutNP = np.asarray(tabOut) # Numpy OK, but seems to convert types? # # Homogeneous type? Would be OK for values only? # # # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=['Character', 'SALC (X)', 'PFIX (h)', 'l', 'm']) # # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=['Character ($\Gamma$)', 'SALC (h)', 'PFIX ($\mu$)', 'l', 'm']) # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(tabOutNP[:,:-1].T, names=self.coeffs['DF']['real'].attrs['indexes']['shortnames']) # dfC = pd.DataFrame(tabOutNP[:,-1].astype(complex), index = mInd, columns=['b (complex)']) # # For structured array version # dimTypes = list(zip(self.dims,self.dtypes)) # Dims # dimTypes.extend([('b',complex)]) # Data # defaultInd = self.dims # tabOutNP = np.asarray(tabOut, dtype=dimTypes) # mInd = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tabOutNP[:][self.dims].tolist(), names=defaultInd) # Set index from named dims # dfC = pd.DataFrame(tabOutNP[:][tabOutNP.dtype.names[-1]], index = mInd, columns=['b (complex)']) # Set data from final dim in array # Store outputs # self.coeffTableC = tabOut # Use raw results here? # self.coeffs['libmsym']['comp'] = tabOut # self.coeffs['DF']['comp'] = dfC # self.coeffs['DF']['comp'].attrs = self.coeffs['DF']['real'].attrs # Use inital attribs # self.coeffs['DF']['comp'].attrs['type'] = 'comp' # self.clm = {'re':clm, 'im':clmC, 'note':'SHtools clm coefficient objects, re (real) and im (complex) harmonic expansions.'} # self.clm = clmSets # self.clm.update({'note':'SHtools clm coefficient objects, real and comp (complex) harmonic expansions.'}) self.coeffs['SH'] = clmSets self.coeffs['SH'].update({'note':'SHtools clm coefficient objects, real and comp (complex) harmonic expansions.'}) # With unified methods # Convert to NP structured array (keeps heterogeneous dtypes) dimTypes = list(zip(self.dims,self.dtypes)) # Dims dimTypes.extend([('b',complex)]) # Data self.coeffs['libmsym'] = {'comp':np.asarray(tabOut, dtype=dimTypes)} self.setCoeffsPD(dtype = 'comp')
[docs] def setCoeffsXR(self, stack = True): """ Convert coeffs from PD DataFrame to Xarray Dataset. Parameters ---------- stack : dict, bool, optional, default = True If True, try and use default stacking, {'inds':self.dims[1:3], 'LM':self.dims[3:]}. If False, don't stack. If dict, try and stack with specified dict mapping. """ if xrFlag: coeffsXR = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(self.coeffs['DF']['real']).rename({'b':'b (real)'}) coeffsXR.update(xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(self.coeffs['DF']['comp']).rename({'b':'b (comp)'})) self.coeffs['XR'] = coeffsXR # Set additional metadata for portability # TODO: check ePSproc conventions here. self.coeffs['XR'].attrs = {'dataType':'symHarm', 'name':'Symmetrized harmonics', 'PG': self.PG, 'lmax': self.lmax} # May need to fix coord types from str to ints # TODO: better solution here? Should fix in Pandas tables? for k in self.coeffs['XR'].coords.keys(): try: self.coeffs['XR'].coords[k].data = self.coeffs['XR'].coords[k].data.astype(int) except ValueError: pass if stack: if isinstance(stack,dict): self.coeffs['XR'] = self.coeffs['XR'].stack(stack) else: self.coeffs['XR'] = self.coeffs['XR'].stack({'inds':self.dims[1:3], 'LM':self.dims[3:]}) else: print("Xarray required to run self.setCoeffsXR.")
#*********************** DISPLAY FUNCTIONS
[docs] def printCharacterTable(self, returnPD = False): """ Print character table with species & degen using Pandas Parameters ---------- returnPD : bool, optional, default = False Return PD object instead of display() if True. Returns ------- Empty unless returnPD = True set. """ # Basic version # for n,item in enumerate(self.ctx.character_table.symmetry_species): # print(, item.dim, self.ctx.character_table.table[n,:]) # PD version if not hasattr(self, 'charTablePD'): self.setCharTablePD() if returnPD: return self.charTablePD # TODO - add isnotebook and related checks here display(self.charTablePD)
# Display table
[docs] def displayXlm(self, names = 'longnames', YlmType = 'real', setCols = 'l', dropLevels=[], returnPD = False, sticky = False, symFilter = False, symFilterChannel = 'Target'): """ Print table of values from Pandas Dataframe self.coeffs['DF']['real'], with specified labels (from self.coeffs['DF']['real'].attrs['indexes']). Parameters ---------- names : str, optional, default = 'longnames' Labels to use in printed table, from self.coeffs['DF']['real'].attrs['indexes'] YlmType : str, optional, default = 'real' - 'real' show real harmonic coeffs, from self.coeffs['DF']['real'] - 'comp' show complex harmonic coeffs, from self.coeffs['DF']['comp'] setCols : str, optional, default = 'l' Set which label to use for display. Set via self.coeffsDF.unstack(level=setCols). Note this level must be in the DataFrame index, and there is currently no error checking. dropLevels : str or list of strings, default = [] Drop levels specified from displayed table. returnPD : bool, optional, default = False Return PD object instead of display() if True. sticky : bool, optional, default = False Apply "sticky" index styler to displayed table. (If supported by Pandas version.) symFilter : bool, optional, default = False If True, apply filter from symFilterChannel. symFilterChannel : str, optional, default = None Try and filter output based on allowed symmetries. This requires self.continuum to be set, and to match a column name for filtering. E.g. 'Target' will filter the Xlm table from self.continuum['allowed']['PD']['Target'] symmetries. TODO: allow use of short names here, currently only filters on output names. Returns ------- Empty unless returnPD = True set. """ # display(self.coeffDF.rename(index=self.coeffDF.attrs['indexes']['longnames'])) # Works for col or row values, not headers (==names) # renamed = symObj.coeffDF.index.set_names(symObj.coeffDF.attrs['indexes']['longnames']) # Not working in Pandas v1.1 .... but should be OK later: # Manual version works OK - in Pandas v1.1 rename needs full list # newNames = [v for k,v in self.coeffDF.attrs['indexes'][names].items() if k in self.coeffDF.index.names] # Map dictionary # Current strucutre - may want to set to dicts? # Note hard-coded unstack too - should add as an option if YlmType == 'real': inputData = self.coeffs['DF']['real'].copy().unstack(level=setCols).fillna('') inputData.attrs = self.coeffs['DF']['real'].attrs elif YlmType == 'comp': inputData = self.coeffs['DF']['comp'].copy().astype(str).unstack(level=setCols).fillna('') # Note cast to string to avoid `TypeError: No matching signature found` for complex data on unstack (might be PD version bug, tested in v1.0.1) inputData.attrs = self.coeffs['DF']['comp'].attrs else: print(f"Didn't recognise Ylm type {YlmType}") # Drop levels if specified (will return as is if dropLevels empty) inputData = inputData.droplevel(dropLevels) # With variable len remap newNames = [] for k in inputData.index.names: if k in inputData.attrs['indexes'][names].keys(): newNames.append(inputData.attrs['indexes'][names][k]) else: newNames.append(k) # test = self.coeffDF.copy() # Display as is test = inputData # With unstack and fillna test.index.rename(names = newNames, inplace=True) if symFilter: if hasattr(self, 'continuum'): subsetMask = test.index.get_level_values(test.index.names[0]).isin(self.continuum['allowed']['PD'].index.get_level_values(symFilterChannel)) # subsetMask = test.index.get_level_values(newNames[0]).isin(self.continuum['allowed']['PD'].index.get_level_values(symFilter)) test = test[subsetMask] else: print(f"*** Cannot filter on symmetry without self.continuum, run self.directProductContinuum() to generate.") if returnPD: return test if sticky: # Try displaying with sticky index, but may fail in older PD versions (OK in v1.4, fails in v1.1) try: display("index")) except AttributeError: display(test) else: display(test)
[docs] def plotXlm(self, pType = 'real', gridlmax = 20, syms = None, **kwargs): """ Quick plot of Xlm by symmetry using SHtools grid.plot(). Parameters ---------- pType : str, optional, default = 'real' Plot type as key (for self.coeffs['SH'][pType]). Default cases are 'real' or 'comp' types (complex harmonics) gridlmax : int or None, optional, default = 20 Used by SHtools clm.expand() routine to define gridding. Use SHtools defaults if set to None (== lmax of distribution) syms : str or list, default = None Symmetry groups self.coeffs['SH'][pType][sym] to plot. Defaults to all syms, as defined by self.coeffs['SH'][pType].keys() **kwargs : optional args passed to SHtools grid.plot(**kwargs) Notes ----- - Gridding is defined automatically by clm.expand() routine, pass lmax=int as a proxy to override defaults TODO: For more control with subselection etc. needs bridging with other plotting tools (BLMplot etc.). """ # Set syms if syms is None: syms = self.coeffs['SH'].keys() if type(syms) is not list: syms = list(syms) # Plot for key in syms: if key != 'note': # print(key) grid = self.coeffs['SH'][key][pType].expand(lmax = gridlmax) # 'title' fails for some versions of SHtools/MatPlotlib? # BUT this code shows blank plot for try part, even on fail, and with show=False set. # try: # grid.plot(title=f'{self.PG} ({key}), l_max={self.lmax}', show=False, **kwargs) # except AttributeError: # grid.plot(**kwargs) # More general fix, parse p and set titles (this is (fig, [axes]) object) p = grid.plot(**kwargs) # p[1].set_title('test'); prefixAxisTitles(p, prefix = f'{self.PG} ({key}), l_max={self.lmax}') # Use separate function to parse p and set title(s)
# This works also for re/im case, with nested plots. # fig, ax = grid.plot(show=False) # fig.set_label(key) # ax.title = key