Source code for pemtk.util.hvPlotters

Holoviews util routines for PEMtk

14/09/21    Quick implementation for fit analysis routines.
            May want to consolidate with epsproc.plot.hvPlotters (basically same idea, but different details)


#*** Plot setup
# Pulled code from
# May already be implemented in some form in ePSproc.

# HV imports
    import holoviews as hv
    from holoviews import opts
    hv.extension('bokeh', 'matplotlib')
[docs] hvFlag = True
except ImportError: print("*** Holoviews not found: interactive plots not available (hv backend).") hvFlag = False # Set some default plot options
[docs]def setPlotDefaults(fSize = [800,400], imgSize = 500): """Basic plot defaults""" if hvFlag: opts.defaults(opts.Scatter(width=fSize[0], height=fSize[1], tools=['hover'], show_grid=True), opts.Curve(width=fSize[0], height=fSize[1], tools=['hover'], show_grid=True), opts.Image(width=imgSize, frame_width=imgSize, aspect='square', tools=['hover'], colorbar=True), # Force square format for images (suitable for VMI) opts.HeatMap(width=imgSize, frame_width=imgSize, aspect='square', tools=['hover'], colorbar=True), opts.HexTiles(width=fSize[0], height=fSize[1], tools=['hover'], colorbar=True))